Following the many child abuse cases and child deaths while in the system, the Department of Children and Family Services wants to try to put a stop to these deaths and child abuse cases. Social workers are also trying to find ways of reform to help prevent death and the child abuse children face everyday. To reform the system they want to lighten the load by lessening the amount of cases they have to 14. They also want to hire more social workers so that the amount of cases to a social worker will be less. They want to end the culture of fear, implement education-based discipline, get social workers more active in their clients, make managers and policymakers help with casework, and make emergency more accessible.
I feel that it is important for child protection agencies to often have reforms in order to better their agencies. By reforming they are constantly making change in order to help more children effectively. By lightening the load, this will give social workers the opportunity to really focus on their case. They will be able to slowly make the right decisions for children while they are not under a lot of stress and pressure from the other cases. By hiring more social workers, they will be able to implement the first option of reform which is to lessen the amount of cases. By getting 1,400 more social workers they will be able to help more children and have more people to help with the cases of child abuse and stop the many deaths that are happening. I also feel that it is very important to get more social workers involved because children all need to be protected. They should not only be handling the paperwork but also out helping as many children as they can. This will allow more children to be saved from abuse and death. When managers and policymakers get more active in the cases of children they will be able to help more children because they will be involved. They will also be able to understand all of the stress and pressure social workers are put under. I think that by reforming the agencies in these ways will help prevent child abuse from happening. It will also make child protection agencies better because they are making a change for the better and safety of children.
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