Monday, April 8, 2013

Budget cuts harm CPS

The latest budget cuts have really effected the child welfare systems in Sacramento. This budget cut amounted to $8.8 million in funds, which caused them to decide to cut this money from child welfare programs. In result they had to plan to lay off some social workers because of this big cut. Many people felt that they should cut money from other places because this would really affect the children. By not having a lot of social workers to do their job to help all the children suffering from abuse, this will lessen the chance to help every child. They anticipate that 199 social workers will be cut and will lose their job. Frank Mecca stated that "Child welfare agencies across the state are facing budget squeezes because of declining revenues, increased costs and state funding reductions". These are the reasons he feels that social work agencies are forced with this big cut.

I also put budget cuts at fault for the many deaths of children. Although this cut has helped a little because social workers put more effort in trying to monitor and help all children. It has had a positive effect but also a negative one because with less social workers to do their jobs, more children are at risk for continuing abuse. Social workers are then overwhelmed with the amount of cases they have to take on, therefore the risk of harm by children's guardians go up because social workers are not focused enough on one case. With few social workers because of the budget cut, the safety of children is not as fully accomplished as it were before social workers were fired. Thus, federal budget cuts to child welfare agencies is one of the most important factors to why I believe the system not only needs to be reformed but also the budget cuts that are happening.

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