Sunday, April 7, 2013

CPS fails Elisa Izquierdo

Elisa Izquierdo like many other children was unfortunately not protected by the people who are supposed to protect children. She was failed by Child Protective services, like DHS and was forced to suffer the abuse she faced daily from her mother Awilda Lopez, whom was 29 at the time. Her mother and father broke up due to the fact that her mother was addicted to crack. When Elisa was born her mother was using crack, therefore social services took her away. Her father Gus Izquierdo was then given custody and took care of her as they say like a "princess".

He always took care of her and did everything possible to make her life good. He enrolled her into a school called Brooklyn YWCA Montessori Day SchoolHer mother Awilda began to fight back, in attempt to get custody. She was granted visitation on the weekends in 1991 due to the fact that she seemed to be getting her life together by going to a drug-rehab clinic. When coming home after visitations with her mother she would have bruises, would throw-up and would be quiet. After seeing this and suspecting abuse, Gus and teachers called and told CPS that abuse was happening. The court still allowed Elisa to see her mother on weekends with the exceptions that she doesn't slap or hit Elisa. In 1994, Elisa's father died from cancer and she was given to her mother. In November 1995, Elisa died from the abuse by her mother. She had bruises all over her body including her genitals. Her mother was sent to prison for second degree murder and was sentenced 15 years to life in prison.

This story shows how officials in New York could have been stopped this abuse from the beginning. They did not take the case serious and because of this lack of 'social work' she died. I feel that it is fully their fault that they let this little 6-year old girl die because they didn't keep her out of the custody of her mother. This was the biggest case in New York City that should have shown Child Protective Services that they really need reform because they are failing many children. This should have been the time that they really take action and try to improve child welfare agencies to make them better so that children do not die in their hands. Of course child protection agencies have made some change since this 1995 case but, it is not enough because many children are still dying and are facing abuse when they are aware of it. This needs to stop and Child Protection Agencies and all the others need to come together to stop this trend of child abuse happening all over the world.

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