Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Biggest challenges with senior project thus far

    In the beginning of senior project, I was not prepared for senior project and what was to come. When it was time to start picking a topic, I had no idea what I wanted to do my senior project on. At first I was going to pick a topic such as premature babies. It was based on the fact of how some doctors believe that some premature babies shouldn’t be saved because they were born so early. I have strong feelings about this topic because I was premature and I feel that each baby should have a chance at life. With this topic there would not have been enough evidence and information to support a 8-12 page paper. Therefore, I choose to change my topic to a different topic that has an influence or part in my life. After looking for information about premature babies I changed my topic to child abuse and how it affects children. Also the reasons on why child protective agencies need to be reformed. Therefore, choosing my topic was my biggest challenge.

    When I choose my topic, I knew that I wanted it to be about something that had an influence on me. The topic of child abuse came about because my aunt is foster care parent. I play some part in the children’s lives when I often visit her house. When I started researching more into the topic, I didn’t really know what I would include in my paper. This was also a challenge in my senior project because I had to find stories and information to support what I believe about child protective agencies. It was a little difficult to connect certain facts to certain stories but in the end I completed it.

    One of my other biggest challenges in senior project is finding a mentor. This is one of the hardest parts of this senior project because I do not know who to go to about my topic. I would like my mentor to have experience about the things children go through while being abused mentally, physically, or emotionally. I would like my mentor to have this type of exposure so that they can effectively help me with my project. This is also one of the biggest challenges because it is a little hard to find a mentor with this type of experience. Therefore, I will hopefully soon find a mentor who can really help with my senior project by also having that type of experience.

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